About Pseudocode Style

The style of pseudocode used in these demonstrations differs slightly from that of Venit and Drake. Here are the principal differences:

The Write statement displays the specified string, without starting a new line. Any subsequent Write statement will put its string on the same line.

The WriteLine statement displays the specified string and terminates the line. Any subsequent WriteLine statement will place its output at the beginning of the next line.

     Example: the pseudocode
          Write "Hello "
          WriteLine "to all!"
          WriteLine "Goodbye."
     produces the output
          Hello to all!

An explicit return statement is used in the definition of a user-defined function to indicate that program control, and the specified value, are to be returned to the caller forthwith.

In cascaded-conditional structures, ElseIf is used as a single word, to avoid long lists of EndIf at the end. For example:
     If (NumericGrade >= 90) Then
          LetterGrade = 'A
     ElseIf (NumericGrade >= 80) Then
          LetterGrade = 'B'
     ElseIf (NumericGrade >= 70) Then
          LetterGrade = 'C'
          LetterGrade = 'F'