Note: This walk should be done at low tide. See The Seattle Times' Tide Tables.
Starting Point: The far north end of the parking lot at Golden Gardens Park
Destination: Carkeek Park
Total distance: 6 miles
Espresso Stop: Caffe Fiore, 3125 NW 85th Street
Terrain: Flat, then up-and-down
Description: From the parking lot, follow the trail through the wetlands to the beach. Turn right and walk north on the beach to the bridge over the railroad tracks. Cross the bridge to Carkeek Park (See Trail Map of Carkeek Park), then turn right and walk along the fence about 50 feet. Turn left onto Wetland Trail. This trail becomes Lower Meadow trail. After passing to the right of the Metro Plant, the trail becomes the Piper Creek Trail. Follow the trail until it emerges onto NW 100th Place.
Turn right onto NW 100th Place and walk to NW 100th St. Follow NW 100th St. to 15th Ave. NW, then turn right onto NW Blue Ridge Drive. Follow NW Blue Ridge Drive to NW Esplanade. Turn right onto NW Esplanade which eventually becomes 31st Ave NW. Follow 31st Ave. NW to NW 85th St., then turn right and go one block to Caffe Fiore.
After espresso, cross 32nd Ave. NW to Golden Gardens Park (Trail Map of Golden Gardens Park) and descend a long flight of stairs. Cross Golden Grardens Drive NW and continue to descend until you again come to Golden Gardens Drive NW. Turn right and continue a short distance until you come to an underpass under the railroad tracks. Cross under the tracks and turn right to return to the starting point.
Walking Time: 2.5 hours